Vectorize your bitmap images, for free.
Vector Magic is a Stanford University research project for vectorizing raster (bitmap) images online.
This is a free online tool to convert bitmap images ( JPG, GIF, BMP, TIFF format) to vector images (EPS,SVG, PNG). This tool is similar to Adobe Illustrator’s Live Trace and CorelDRAW’s PowerTRACE but this one is free.
Check out the comparison page to see how this free tool outperforms these two leading commercial products.
The process of vecrotizing (tracing) is simple. You upload your image file and with a click of button you get a vectorized copy of your image. Save the image to your computer and you are done.
VectorMagic use cookies to keep a list of your last 30 images for 30 days.
So you can go back to your images later to view and revectorize them. You can share your images, stored on VectorMagic servers, with other people. You can either share your private link to the images that will enable them to modify the images on VectorMagic servers or just share a view only link.
August 22, 2008 @ 10:08 pm
Your post makes one think! Great article. Thanks for allowing me to comment!