How to add external jar files to Maven project POM
Maven has made compiling Java projects almost an effortless job. You no longer need to worry about placing all the required class files in your classpath. All you have to do is to include dependencies in your POM file and Maven takes care of the rest. It automatically downloads the jar file that your project depends on and include them in your build classpath. But what if you want to include a jar file that is not available from Maven repositories? To include such jar files you will have to manually install the jar into your local maven repository. Let say you need Oracle driver which is included in ojdbc14.jar. Download the jar file from Oracle and then execute following command.
C:\>mvn install:install-file -Dfile=ojdbc14.jar -DartifactId=ojdbc14 -Dversion=10.2.0 -Dpackaging=jar
Then add this dependency to your project POM file.
Now when you build your project ojdb14.jar will be available.
You can follow the same steps for your own jar files. For example if you have created a jar file (e.g. utils.jar) of helper classes and need that jar file in some other project you will first install the jar to your repository and then add the dependency in your POM file.
C:\>mvn install:install-file -Dfile=utils.jar -DgroupId=com.zparacha.example -DartifactId=utils -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar
And the dependency for your POM will be like
And all the class files will become available to your project.
November 12, 2008 @ 6:49 pm
February 3, 2011 @ 2:50 pm
I have one problem,
I have followed the steps as above
But when I am trying to install maven ..the below error came
[INFO] Unable to find resource ‘’ in repository org.springframework.maven.milestone (
[INFO] Unable to find resource ‘’ in repository mrepo-happyfern-snapshot (
[INFO] Unable to find resource ‘’ in repository central (
[INFO] ————————————————————————
[INFO] ————————————————————————
[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
Since my custom jar file is not available in maven repository Its giving error
Any help is appreciated
August 12, 2011 @ 2:30 am
Maven is useful when you are setting up project and it stops right there
For two days I am trying to convince maven to automate project deployment so I could simply run excutable jar. I cannot, because it cannot find external JARs because they are not there.
I hate using external tools that use external tools that use external tools that use external tools to build one simple f…ing project with maven.
November 30, 2011 @ 1:45 am
Hey buddies,
Maven is quite powerful if you have a lots of libraries.
It;s not only about the library, but the other powerful features to customize the build process to a great extent.
In case when this error comes “Failed to resolve artifact.” Please see that you may have to add a repository in your pom.xml; or as an option, manually install the jar files into the local maven repository as per the article.
Or you can still be with managing libraries, the old school way, add library and manage them in a directory lol ! Actually, if you are doing a small project like assignment or something, maven is not suitable for the environment.
February 18, 2012 @ 2:31 pm
If the amount of external jar files is large, it may be painful to install each of them to the repository manually.
The addjars-maven-plugin can handle this problem: it automatically installs the jar files to local repository and adds the corresponding artifacts to the list of dependencies. Refer to for more information
Define Dependencies in POM XML | PHP Developer Resource
May 28, 2012 @ 2:21 pm
[…] this article on how to add jars to the local repository and set up the dependencies for the project. Note that […]
December 19, 2012 @ 3:22 am
Might be nice if the tags showed up in the code examples… (FF 16.0.2 on Vista).
January 22, 2013 @ 6:39 am
Check out the blog post the create in-project Maven repository for the Jar files which does not have online maven repositories.