Build a better blog in 31 days with ProBlogger

One of the first blogging tips blogs I started following was ProBlogger. Run by Darren, this blog offers incredible tips to new and experienced bloggers. I still follow Problogger because everyday I get some more useful tips about blogging.
In 2005 and 2007 offered a 31-day series on how to become a better blogger. This year 31 Days to Build a Better Blog session will begin on April 1 April 6. It is free for any blogger who is interested in learning from a successful blogger on how to become a better blogger.

Although it is open to public, Darren is encouraging people to register for this year’s session.

Here is the idea behind this project:

The idea behind this is simply to have a group of bloggers setting aside a month of their time to work at improving their blogs. While we all want to have better blogs sometimes it becomes one of those things that we’re going to do…. one day.

I recommend that you participate in this session. To signup follow this link.

Happy learning.