
Let us develop your website for just $69

If you are a small business owner or an entrepreneur you need a professionally designed website to promote your product.

You may be thinking that a website costs a fortune. But that is not always true. Sure a fully customized, complex web site can cost several thousand dollars to build. But if you need a simple yet professional web site without all the bell and whistles, you can have it done for next to nothing.

How can I build website for such a low price?

Fair question. Let me assure you that I’ve been in web development profession for more than 15 years. I have the expertise to create good liking, elegant websites. I charge this low price with one condition.

You will have to agree to buy your web site hosting plan through my affiliate link for either or
Since I earn money by referring customers to these web hosts I charge my customer a very low price for my services.

What will you get?

I will develop a 4 page website for you. Typically a web site has following pages.

  • Home
  • Services
  • About
  • Contact

You can decide what pages you want. If you need more than 4 pages, we can work out the details on a case by case basis.

What is not included?

I will NOT design a logo or any other images for you. If you have a logo image, I’ll be more than happy to put it on your web site.

I don’t write content for the web sites. You will have to provide me the content you want to put on your web site.

What if you need to change content?

At the time of web site delivery I’ll walk you through the process of updating your web site. I do 3 minor content changes after delivering the website.

Ready to have your web site developed? Still have questions? Contact me by submitting this form .