ColorPix. Free utility to determine the hex code of any color.

Ever wanted to use a shade of color you found on a website or an image on your own website? You can find out the text color, background color etc. by looking at the source code of the web page (most often going through the stylesheet documents). In case of images you will need to open the image in an image editor program (Photoshop, GIMP etc). But an easy way of determining the exact hex code of any pixel on your screen is ColorPix
This small and free executable utility is a useful little color picker that grabs the pixel under your mouse and transforms it into a number of different color formats.

The built-in magnifier function allows you to zoom in on your screen to ensure that you click on the color you really want. Just click the mouse button or press a key and the ColorPix will copy the hex code of that color to your clipboard.